Thursday, 27 August 2009

Posh Anthony

Meet Anthony.

He is 18 and undoubtedly our poshest luncher so far.
Sophie (my fellow blogger) is a public schoolgirl from Chiswick and he made her look like a Kings Cross crackhead.
Just how posh is Anthony?
His first ever drunken night out was the opening night of Mahiki.
He's an Etonian.
His summer holiday this year? (or one of them) His friend's private island.
He's never in his life eaten ketchup. (!)
His Aunty is the high sheriff of Hertfordshire (a long standing family tradition)
These facts probably say enough. You get the idea. Anthony lives in another world.

If we can learn something about England's upper echelons from Anthony what are they?

If Anthony is anything to go by, the uber posh are incredibly grounded, down to earth, humble, decent folk, who happen to be incredibly privileged. In short; posh people are surprisingly normal.

Anthony has no pretention. He doesn't look down his nose at people. He doesn't think he's better that anyone. He's not a toff. He speaks casually about nights out at friends clubs in Mayfair, house masters at Eton and private islands, because he hasn't known anything else. He's not embarrassed and he's not showing off. These are just details of his life.

Other than that he's like any other teenager. He talks about his friends loads, loves going out, clothes, music and pretty much has the world at his feet nonchalance of any 18 year old. 

We asked him if he's pleased he went to Eton or if he would have preferred to go to a more 'normal' school. He loved Eton. He wouldn't have gone anywhere else. He worked at a school in Slough for violent kids and it was interesting, but he'd rather have his life. The difference between Eton and a rough school in Slough? The parents thinks Anthony.

Anthony talks about his parents a lot. He obviously loves and respects them. It is clear that Anthony has good sense; this comes from a laid back but supportive role models. His parents let him drink and smoke on his Mayfair jaunts and are open with him about sex and drugs. So he doesn't need to push boundaries (he doesn't take drugs because his parents wouldn't like it). His 'housemaster' at Eton left the doors open at night so they could go out and turned a blind eye to smoking. All in all Anthony has been guided in the right direction but given the freedom to make his own decisions. It seems like he normally makes the right ones. He's charming, polite, and open. And he makes sure he buys Sophie and me a cake to say thanks for lunch. I think I might marry up and send my kids to Eton if they are gonna turn out like Anthony!

The cake Anthony insisted on buying us. What a sweetie.

I wouldn't have thought he would smoke...
A band left over from a festival (he's keeping it on until the next one)
He has an upper class gait don't you think?
Here we are politely chatting over fish wraps (tastier than they sound)

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